Check out The Lobster and see why it's one of my favorite things in Movies.

Favorite -
The Lobster

The Lobster

Be aware, this is a weird film.

To be honest, I haven't watched it in a few years. So I don't know what to say about it. I just remember it leaving an impact on me.

After his wife leaves him, David is transported to a hotel where he has to find a partner in 45 days, failing which he will be converted into an animal of his liking.

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Nathan Hockridge

Living life as it happens.

Hey! Nice to meet you. I'm currently working in Sydney, Australia! Living in the Beautiful Blue Mountains for a breath of fresh air. (and no, the commute isn't that long at all!)

What I do

I'm a Camera assistant and Operator.

Currently working in commercials for brands big and small. See the menu or below for a link to view my work.

I was also a tutor at the Academy of Film Theatre and Television (before they shut down).

When I'm not focussing on/ with cameras, I'm hiking, crafting or sleeping.

And I also run Rift Media - a corporate video production company.

Agent: Top Techs Management Phone: +61 9958 1611

Get in touch:

Shortcut to my work

This Site

Oh and you might have noticed that this is a funky website.

Feel free to browse around my virtual computer. You never know what you might find.

Thanks to Matthew P Munger for the template for this website.

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The Room
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Read Me

Nathan Hockridge

Living life as it happens.

Hey! Nice to meet you. I'm currently working in Sydney, Australia! Living in the Beautiful Blue Mountains for a breath of fresh air. (and no, the commute isn't that long at all!)

What I do

I'm a Camera assistant and Operator.

Currently working in commercials for brands big and small. See the menu or below for a link to view my work.

I was also a tutor at the Academy of Film Theatre and Television. (before they shut down)

When I'm not fiddling with cameras, I'm hiking, crafting or sleeping.

And I also run Rift Media - a corporate video production company.

Agent: Top Techs Management Phone: +61 9958 1611

Get in touch:

Shortcut to my work

This Site

Oh and you might have noticed that this is a funky website.

Feel free to browse around my virtual computer. You never know what you might find.

Thanks to Matthew P Munger for the template for this website.

Maybe it's not a good idea to shut my website down without a hardware reset button. Proceed?

Just kidding. Nothing was actually shutdown. It wouldn't have been a good idea. Do it again?

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